What are the
Boundary Waters?

A staple of Minnesota Wilderness

The Boundary Waters is a region of protected wilderness on the Northeastern boarder of Minnesota. A quarter of a million people visit every year to marvel at it’s beauty. But now, it faces being wiped out.

What's the Issue?

Pollution puts the park in jepordy

Within the last few years, proposals to create a sulfide ore mining operation in the Boundary Waters area have been slowly making their way to becoming reality. This type of mining has never been done in Minnesota and can have huge ramifications on the wildlife in the park, as well as causing global pollution.

What’s at risk?

A staple of Minnesota Wilderness

Sulfide mining is considered America’s most toxic industry. Scientists have determined that the proposed mining operation would have detrimental effects on the Boundary Water’s ecosystem. Toxic waste fram the industry can make it’s way down stream and permenantly damage the area’s water sources.

Who will this Effect?

Many inhabitants may loose their livelihood

The main victim of this industry would be the wildlife living in the area. Their water sources would be polluted with toxic waste and their habitats would be destroyed. It will also negatively effect North Eastern Minnesota's self sustaining economy, putting jobs and lives in jepordy. Without the wildlife and economy of the park, the Boundary Waters experience isn’t the same.

How can you help?

Sign the Petition!

One of the most important things you can do to prevent further exploration is to make your voice heard. These endevors are fought at the federal level, so let your US representative know your stance by filling out the form below, so we can send it to those who make the big decisions.

What's your biggest concern?

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